Easy Ways to Find Keywords for Real Estate Investing Keywords

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To make SEO count, you need to find things that your potential sellers and investors are looking for online.  These things are called keywords, which is what someone types into Google and other search engines to solve a problem or find information.  You need a strategy to find keywords for your real estate investing website to write about that help you attract sellers and investors to your real estate wholesaling website.

Of course, when you do that, you are competing with all the other websites out there with similar concepts in the same keywords.  You want to find keywords to write about that you can be competitive in and that will draw in sellers and investors to your wholesaling website.  That involves a bit of research and knowing your audience.

The Good News About Finding Keywords to Write About

First, let’s talk about the good news about finding keywords in your niche to draw in readers to your site. There is some good news.

  • Real Estate is Local – Except for the bigger sites, you only really need to attract sellers and investors from your local area. This means that you are competing with a smaller pool of competitors.  That makes it easier to compete, so that’s good.
  • You Are An Expert – You are a real estate investor because you are an expert in your area.  You know your sellers and your investors.  You’ll want to think about the problems they’re trying to solve when they sit down at their keyboard. This is called “searcher intent”  and, at the end of the day, that’s what you want to create.
  • You Don’t Need Big Numbers for this to Work – Most websites are looking for thousands of visits a month.  They’re trying to get as many eyeballs on their site as they can so they can sell advertising, services, products, etc.  Of course thousands of eyeballs would be amazing for you too but there usually aren’t 1,000’s of people in your area trying to sell a house or invest thousands of dollars.  A few highly qualified leads with a specific problem can make a difference for you.

Believe it or not, these things really help.  So, let’s talk about how you find keywords to write about on your real estate investing website.  When we do this, there are a couple of assumptions we’re working from.

  • You Want to Keep Costs Down – We’re going to suggest some free and low-cost ways to do this. There are other tools than the ones we suggest that you’ll read about online.  They’re great and sometimes have features that the ones we go over don’t have.  You’re welcome to use these, but they’re more expensive and we’re trying to keep your costs down.  Your primary job is real estate investing, not search engine optimization (SEO) but right now you need SEO but that’s not your primary job.
  • You’re looking for sellers and investors – We’re assuming that your goal is to find distressed sellers for your wholesaling business. Actually, it doesn’t matter what kind of real estate investor you are, distressed sellers will help your business.  We’re also assuming that you might need investors.  We are not assuming that you want to educate people, sell services or products, or anything like that.  These strategies can work with any of those, but we’re focusing on finding sellers and investors so if you have other needs you might need to try something different.

Finding Keywords for Your Real Estate Investing Website to Write About

The first thing you’ll need to do is to figure out what keywords your ideal audience is looking for.  The good news is that you have a pretty good starting point if you’ve ever read any bandit signs.  Take some of the phrases that have worked there and consider adding your city or town to it.

So, for example, if you’re in Cleveland, consider phrases like “sell my house fast in Cleveland”, “cash for my house in Cleveland”, “sell my house without an inspection in Cleveland.” 

Then you’ll want to know if people are really using these phrases to search.  There are a lot of tools out there that you can use like AHRefs, SEMRush and others.  Honestly, they tend to be pretty expensive so we’re going to show you a cheaper tool.  They even have a free version, so it’s tough to get cheaper than that.  The paid version isn’t all that expensive but we’ll use the free version for now.

Here’s how you do it:

Ubsersuggest results for sell house fast in cleveland
  • You’ll see some data show up.  For what we’re doing, most of it we don’t need.  In the top bar, the first two numbers are pretty important. 
  • The first number tells you that about 50 people a month search for that term.  This isn’t an exact number, it gives you an idea. If you were trying to build a blog or other site based on SEO, that wouldn’t be great but for us, it’s not too bad.  If we can get 10 percent of that number to call then we’ve got five more leads for the month – using something we really only need to do the work on once.
  • The second number, labeled SEO difficulty, tells us that this phrase is pretty easy to rank for so we stand a good chance of being pretty high up in Google.
  • Now you want to create a landing page (a web page that tries to convince your reader to take action) that has that keyword phrase. 

You can follow this same process for other phrases to include (a page can have more than one keyword phrase on it.) You can also use this process to start to write blog posts that are informative to draw people in.  Then, you include a contact form on each page that entices them to contact you if they want to sell you their house.

You could follow a similar process for investors.  You might actually want a whole separate site for investors if you have concerns that you don’t want sellers seeing what you’re doing with their house.  That’s up to you, your market and your experience. 

A Few Cautions on Your Keyword Strategy for Your Real Estate Investing Website

There are a few things to know.  What we’ve done here is to create a simple SEO process just for you as a local real estate investor.  There’s a lot more to know to be an SEO expert but this SEO strategy for real estate investors should help get you started. 

  • One Keyword Phrase Per Page – Keep your pages and posts focused around one keyword phrase and concept.  You can try different variations of the same phrase on the same page.  So, “sell your house in Cleveland”, “sell my house”, “get cash for my Cleveland home” are all variations on the same idea.  However, you might have a landing page focused around selling their house but then do a post on how they can get cash for their house.
  • Link Pages Together – Google sees power in pages with similar concepts that link to each other. This helps you both in Google and helps keep readers on your site.  So, if they find the post on getting cash for their house and it links to the page on selling their house, they are more likely to stay on your site. You have more chances to convert them.
  • Write for Humans, Not Search Engines – Even with all the talk about SEO and keywords, Google is trying to help find stuff that people want or need.  You want the same thing.  Use these strategies but write stuff that people can use and that solves their problems.  If you don’t, eventually Google will figure it out AND your stuff won’t get you any leads, so you lose on two fronts.
  • Be Local – As an investor, you want local sellers, so position your site and content that way. Follow good SEO basics.  Talk about things that are local.  Have an About Us page that shows a local address.  People will relate to you better and, believe it or not, Google uses these cues to rank you higher in local searches. After all, it doesn’t benefit you, your reader, or Google to show up for a search for Atlanta when you’re in Cleveland.
  • Complete Your Google My Business Profile – Besides giving potential partners and customers another way to find you, this helps drive more traffic to your site. Google also sees this as a way of legitimizing your company as a real local company.

Strategies for Finding Keywords to Write About for your Real Estate Investing Website

You need leads.  You want motivated sellers to search for solutions to their problems and to find your website.  To do that, you need to write content that shows them that you understand their problem. Then give them a solution and entice them to take action. 

The first step in that is to show up in a search.  Google works off of a concept of keywords and by using the right keywords and having good, valuable content, you can show up in the search engine results for motivated sellers and get them to call you, email you or fill out your contact form.

These are just some of the basics for SEO that you can use on your real estate investing website.  There are a lot more concepts and solutions out there, but this will get you started.  Good luck and start getting those leads!

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